Competencies and tools of higher education graphic communications programs DOI 10.14622/JPMTR-2011

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Amanda Bridges


In this study, I sought to identify skills, content knowledge, and tools needed in higher education graphic communications programs. Currently a lack of research on the topic of graphic communications competencies exists. The industry is also experiencing a widening scope as well as rapid advancements in technology. The research study utilized a modified Delphi Technique as its method and included participants consisting of full-time graphic communications educators and industry professionals located in the southeast United States. One goal of the study was to gain a consensus among experts regarding what students are expected to know when entering the industry. The purpose of the research was to utilize what experts find to be the most important skills, content knowledge, and tools as a framework for developing and evaluating current higher education graphic communications curriculum. Participants of the study overwhelmingly identified soft skills as being the most needed skills, while software applications were identified as the most needed tools. The results of the project will allow educators to determine whether the current curriculum is preparing students to enter the field.

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How to Cite
Bridges, A. (2020). Competencies and tools of higher education graphic communications programs: DOI 10.14622/JPMTR-2011. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 9(4), 243–254. Retrieved from
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